Humber Meets Patricia

Patricia came to TO town with a blustery rain storm straight from El Nino steamed up Pacific Ocean waters via Mexico, Texas, Midwest USA and then across Lake Ontario. Despite the long trip there was plenty of rain and it was surprisingly warm. But best of all, the rain on Fall foliage really adds punch to all the hues:
Witness the rad colors on these Burr Oak starting shoots.

So despite a steady drizzle and a lingering cold, your PixofToronto  shutter clicker, dedicated to finding the best of Fall Hues, took a trek up the Humber river after Humber met Patricia. And the results were mighty fine:

Patricia landed a lot of rain and so the Humber put on a power show normally reserved for the Spring runoff. The Rapids in particular were more than boisterous. But best of all, it was done in a rain-beautified Humber River Valley which I had not trekked along in over twenty years. The jaunt was bracing, being slowly drenched head to toe with Patricia’s steady downpour. But it also refloated old memories along the Humber in Fall decades ago.

1 thought on “Humber Meets Patricia”

  1. This is dedicated to the Gal in the Blue and White parasol who trekked the Humber Valley this same rainy day – sorry. I missed the shot in the yellow glade.

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