The state funeral of Jack Layton in Toronto allowed people to come to terms with what they had – truly Bon Jack. Canadians had not a carpetbagger politician nor a Karl Rove wannabee – nor a blame game and media maestro/mistress as seen Due South; but rather a man constantly referring back to first principles and morals in these chimeral modern times.  A rare commodity in politics. Thus Jack Layton represents a re-awakening of what to expect from politics and politicians. And his funeral in Toronto allowed people to see what was lost. You can see and read it in their chalked remarks left at Nathan Phillips square:
There is almost a bewilderment at what was lost in these words. Yes, some on the right, only saw a man playing to the plebes on how to rook the State[again echoes of Due South ultra-conservative sentiments]; but in general time will tell whether Canada embraces fair and moral or strange righteous elitism. Rue the day that a Champion of Principles was felled too soon.

Only time will tell if Jack`s passing was not just a political fancy.