Luminato has taken some time “to get its rhythm” as the World Cuppers say it. But some of the shows this year are proof that Luminato is gaining full creative stride. Take Waves created at/by YCT-Young Centre Theater in the Distillery District. Lots of music, singing and dancing – much of it in inspired participatory fashion in the many rehearsal rooms at YCT. Example, a BedTime Stories and Lullabies where participants take a pillow as their free ticket, get to lie down on cots and slumber to song and lullabies. Jukes and Jives allowed audience mebers to choose a favorite song from JukeBox and then the Virtuosity Singers performed the song while one of the YCY Guest Dancers pejived to the max – really great entertainment.
Another noteworthy example: the YCT Impromptu Jazz Ensemble. Featuring a great variety of musical instrumentalists, dancers, vocalists and a poet. This performance featured a superb Jazz Poetry reading by Dennis Lee in great style backed up the YCT Ensemble:
Wonderful late Night Reading by Dennis Lee at YCT’s Waves
It is not too late to catch Young Theater’s Waves this G2 Weekend in Toronto.