Massey and Munk are two distinguished colleges on campus with literary and international political pretensions … uhh orientations respectively. I say pretensions because you have to ask to get in to see the inner court at Massey [no luck this year, good fortune two years ago, no gatemaster around in some previous Falls]. Massey has a dry water fall of dark yellow brick that abuts the street – and in the fall there is cascade of color with ivy, plantain and manicured trees that spill gaudy colors befitting a shameless novella scene. In contrast, Munk is all drama in its equally well kept inner courtyard:
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The courtyard echoes Massey with a water trough in its midst, but the wider and open cortyard make for some fabulous images. And there is a side garden on the South with some excotic planting as seen in the screen shot above. I think the sheltering of the Munk building managed to preserve the dwarf trees and some of the plants for my Fall picture harvesting .