Jack’O’s Day

Every year just around Halloweed Day, Mike Sprung has his Jack’O Lantern pumpkin carving fest. This year, the carvings  coincided with Halloween Day exactly. So in the afternoon before the munchkins could besiege the place, an industrious crew of 3 not yet succumbed to Swine Flu, put to work on carving Pumpkins creatively so the Jack’O’s could be put out on the front steps to ward off viri and other evil spirits and hence protect the Munchkins and Candy Gobblers  of Halloweed Day.
The Jack’O Saw 17 Carving Place

I am happy to report that even with the depleted Corps of Jack’O Carvers a)the gang had an awfully good time; b)got to exchange some news and views, and c)produced some pretty nifty Jack’O’s. As witness:
The Art-oriented Jack’O’s

Once again with addition of candles and [breathing holes at the top of the pumpkins], we proved once again that a lit Jack’O is the only one that has all the magical powers incumbent on keeping Halloweed Munchkins safely protected on this most venturesome night. See the difference between the Jack’O’s below and the Saw 17 kitchen pumpkins.
For more fun and photos visit here.

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