Allan Gardens

Christmas Poems & Pictures

Christmas Poems & Pictures “Music on Christmas Morning” by Anne Brontë Music I love -­ but never strainCould kindle raptures so divine,So grief assuage, so conquer pain,And rouse this pensive heart of mine -­As that we hear on Christmas morn,Upon the wintry breezes borne. “Twas the Night Before Christmas” by C. C. Moore …And then, in …

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Anticipating Christmas Show at Allan Gardens

Last Christmas Allan Gardens had a fabulous floral show. Here is a chosen Christmas Sampler: [row cols_nr=”2″][col size=”4″] Poinsetta on Parade [/col][col size=”4″] Poinsetta Dancing [/col][col size=”4″] Merry Go Round [/col][/row] Okay we are having a little pattern fun here derived from last years Christmas show – here is the some more realistic images: Summary …

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Spring Emerges in Toronto

PixofToronto: from Winter to Spring  So this means after some April Foolishness, PixofToronto will be trading its Winter Cloaks for Spring Colors. And why not? Toronto is seeing concentrated Spring Weather. Or to state that slightly differently, outdoor gardens, trees  and parks are now able to sustain Spring blooms for more than a day or …

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