Humber Valley Winter View

Three years ago there was no problem finding lots of snow around Toronto and area. But this Winter the snow has been an apparent victim of El Nino and has not made any bright  white showing except for mid February. But then the snows were like old: lotsa, slightly wet so sticky, and willing to last not just a day or two.
The snows were so attractive they lured this Web Developer into a little picture taking hookie along the Humber river valley. Now this is the same area featured in our Fall pictures of 5 months ago:
ahumrapidsBut the view is from the Eastbank of the river looking West – see the full Fall show here.

This winter the view is from the Westbank looking East toward a receding sunset in temperatures that are cold but not cutting wind cold – hence all the snow on the trees and hedge limbs. It was a photographer’s delight.

Looking West to the ravine hilside
Color is everywhere
Openings in the river where the flow is fastest
Duck trails to the waters edge
An ice floe broke off a few seconds later
Bump warning on an otherwise deserted road
Our feathered friends just disappeared at the approach of a mighty small poodle
A step fall further down stream
There were kids sledding on the hillside on the other side
I met a writer reading along the Westbank edge here
Rturning back to Dundas here is the Bridge over the Humber
Love the tree limb curves here
A little photo fancy...
And our daring ducks hiding from the poodle
Another small step falls just below the bridge.

Equally amazing the park was nearly deserted. The only fellow  trekkers were couples taking their dogs for a walk. Amazing was  the  tiny poodle who, despite paws becoming snow encrusted, really thrived in the White wilds. And her enthusiasm rubbed off. I poked down the road for an extra kilometer and a half, met  awriter at the rivers bend who was taciturn but agreed that the riverside had beauty this day,

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